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Paradigm Focus provides full service product development. These services include; competitive analysis, niche market development, product modeling, prototyping, testing, code approvals, intellectual property development.

Paradigm Focus has experience in taking on a product development at any point in a product’s life cycle. We can identify new products for corporate growth and differentiation or reinvent an existing product line for new market growth. Paradigm Focus is your ideal solution for rapidly completing a strategy or product development for a project that may have been stalled by bureaucratic forces within an organization.

Our specialty is working with companies that concentrate on the building construction market throughout North America.


par•a•digm: 1. a pattern or model 2. in the philosophy of science, a general conception of the nature of scientific endeavor within which a given inquiry is undertaken.

fo•cus: 1. another word for focal point 2. a point at which attention, activity, etc. is focused 3. to bring or come to a focus or into focus.

paradigm focus: 1. to determine the nature of a business insofar as core competency and nature of inherent markets are concerned and understand where market advantage can be found 2. To strategically focus on the business elements of our customers, so that paradigms can shift to provide strategic market advantage for our clients.


Mike Strickland
Chief Executive of Innovation Factory,
Paradigm Focus

  • 27 Years of Construction Experience
  • Specialty is finding ways to increase productivity (and therefore profits) in construction related niche markets or unique one time projects
  • 12 patents Mike Strickland et al.
  • Mike has refined his product procurement skills and has acquired many development tools via executive education at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT/Sloan)

Guiding Principles

  • To establish improvements for the construction industry, through observation and strategic planning, thereby providing ways to easily transition companies into more profitable market positions.
  • To use work experience that allows him to bring complex project procurement experience to the work he is involved with, ultimately providing cost effective, simplified and timely project procurement and completion

Method for Doing Business

  • Work with the ‘Best Industry Practitioners and Researchers’ to efficiently find answers on how to improve methods of building construction, providing value-added, Intellectually Protected products and methods for the customer.